Dick’s in Charge while Bush gets Ass fixed

cheney1.jpgFor about two hours today, the scariest thing imaginable happened – Dick Cheney was President. Invoking the 25th Amendment (which all you West-Wingers will remember as the thing that made John Goodman POTUS – don’t we wish!), Bush transferred the powers of his office to the Dick at 7:16 am today. This “abundance of caution” was due to five polyps Bush had removed from his colon. Ouch. He has since taken said powers back, and is happily playing with his pooches at Camp David. Apparently, the President can go away for a few hours, and no one in the country even notices. Luckily, the Dick didn’t seem to have anything to do.

3 responses to “Dick’s in Charge while Bush gets Ass fixed

  1. But how are the polyps going to run the country now? Will your esteemed leader be able to hear their instructions through the glass jar?

  2. violins not violence

    I thought Cheney was always saving Georgie’s ass. After all, Cheney’s the main reason for not impeaching George, because then where would we be?

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